Admin Tools For The Enterprise

Add, remove, view users individually or as groups.

Control access to PreVeil on authorized devices. View and
lock devices on the authorized device list at any time.

IT Admins can access all encrypted emails and files as needed, but only with authorization from 1 or more other users in predefined Approval Groups™. The result is encrypted data is accessible but still fully protected from attacks on individual Admins and insider threats.

Define system default product settings for your company. Examples include; managing local file sync on share or prompting for Outlook integration during account creation.

Tamper-proof logs record every important User, Admin and System action, and can be easily decrypted for sharing with third party SIEM systems.

Control User Access

Enable Secure Collaboration

Changes made to a shared file are automatically updated for everyone with the appropriate access permissions. Microsoft Add-ins provide automatic alerting regarding shared documents being edited by others.

Ensure that sensitive data is shared only with individuals or organizations that have been predetermined as trusted and capable of securely handling the data themselves.

All content is maintained encrypted in the cloud but users can sync selected folders as needed to their device for faster access or offline work.

When you share encrypted files or messages with 3rd parties for the first time, they create access to the PreVeil Express browser portal in minutes. Third party access is free and unlimited.

Facilitates seamless encrypted email exchange beyond the PreVeil network via an Email relay so that 3rd parties can interact with PreVeil enterprise users without the 3rd party having any knowledge of PreVeil.

Ensuring Data Security

Ensures the highest reliability and resiliency available with data durability at 99.99999%

All keys are generated and managed securely by the system without user intervention.

Use any predefined keyword (ex. CUI, ITAR, FCI, ENCRYPT) in the email Subject Line to trigger auto-encrypt

PC Magazine Best Encrypted Email and File Sharing

“With PreVeil, you get … end-to-end encrypted secure cloud storage along with secure email that’s tough enough for business but extremely easy to use, all while keeping your existing email address.”