The Proven CMMC Solution for Aerospace & Defense Contractors

Comprehensive Compliance Solution

Email & Drive file collaboration protect CUI with end-to-end encryption. Meets FedRAMP, FIPS 140-2, and DFARS 7012 c-g.

Pre-filled CMMC documentation (Standard Operating Procedure, System Security Plan, etc), assessor-validated videos, and 1×1 support from our compliance experts.

Support through your entire compliance journey- from prep to assessment- with our network of CMMC consultants & auditors.

12+ defense contractors have achieved CMMC compliance with perfect 110 scores on DoD/C3PAO assessments.

Only users handling CUI require a low-cost, all-inclusive license. Plus, share with suppliers & 3rd parties for free. From a customer:

When it comes to speed to compliance and cost, PreVeil is undoubtedly the right decision. We got it done on time and on budget, saving $200,000 compared to GCC High.

Continue using your existing email addresses and avoid a disruptive rip & replace of your IT environment. Includes a full suite of Admin Features including user & device management, logging, and more.

Integrates with Outlook, Gmail, File Explorer, and Mac Finder so you can keep using your usual tools.

Breaches are inevitable. PreVeil is designed using NSA recommended Zero Trust Security to protect emails even when servers, admins and passwords are compromised. All data is encrypted and stored on AWS GovCloud.

Learn More about PreVeil’s Solution

Encrypt, store and share files containing CUI while using granular access to control permissions. Impervious to costly ransomware attacks. Integrates with Explorer, Mac Finder and on browsers.

Send and receive end-to-end encrypted messages using your existing email address. Protects against phishing scams and seamlessly integrates with Outlook, Gmail, and Apple Mail.

PreVeil Email and Drive are also available as a free encrypted app on iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Subcontractors and other 3rd parties can create PreVeil accounts for free, so you don’t need to manage and pay for costly Guest Accounts.

Cut your CMMC documentation work by 60%, expedite compliance and save tens of thousands of dollars. Includes C3PAO-validated videos, pre-filled documentation (SSP, SOP, etc), & 1×1 support from our compliance experts if you get stuck.

Our preferred network of Assessors, Consultants, and Service Providers are vetted by our Compliance Team and offer a variety of services to help accelerate your compliance journey.

Proven Compliance at a Fraction of the Cost

Defense contractors & C3PAOs have used PreVeil to achieve CMMC compliance with perfect 110 scores

Trusted by those who certify compliance. Used by those who must achieve it.