End-to-End Encrypted Email & File Sharing for ITAR Compliance
Trusted by Hundreds of Defense Contractors for ITAR Compliance.
Simple to Deploy. Easy to Use. Save 75% vs GCC High.
Meet ITAR’s Data Security Requirements with PreVeil
State Department regulation 120.54 allows organizations to share ITAR data using cloud services if they meet the following requirements.
PreVeil meets these, enabling you to share ITAR data without it becoming an export, while ensuring unrivaled security, affordability, and simplicity.
End-to-End Encrypted
Every email and file in PreVeil is encrypted end-to-end.
No Access to Keys
Only you & the recipient have access to the decryption keys. No one else, not even PreVeil.
FIPS 140-2 Validated
PreVeil’s encryption was validated by NIST for FIPS 140-2 compliance. See our certificate.
Simplifying ITAR for a Defense Contractor
Won Defense Contracts
Reduced Compliance Costs
Secured Their Business
Delaware Metals was a family-run small business trying to win defense contracts.
PreVeil enabled Delaware Metals to become a modern, ITAR-compliant company.
PreVeil made it so easy – it really was a no brainer. It’s affordable, it integrates with everything, and it just works.
Jeff Lane
Operations & Compliance Manager
Learn More about PreVeil’s Solution
PreVeil implements Zero Trust security. Information is only encrypted and decrypted on a user’s device – never on the server – making it useless to attackers if hacked.
PreVeil Drive
PreVeil Drive lets users encrypt, store and share files containing ITAR data in the cloud. All data is end-to-end encryption and it integrates with Windows Explorer, Mac Finder and browsers.
PreVeil Email
End-to-end encrypted email service that meets ITAR requirements. Users can send and receive encrypted emails from their existing Office 365, Gmail or Apple mail using their existing email address.
Share with 3rd Parties for Free
Subcontractors and other 3rd parties can create PreVeil Express accounts for free, so you don’t need to manage and pay for costly Guest Accounts.
Work from Anywhere
Contractors we speak with are frequently traveling and on-site. So we created a free app for PreVeil Email and Drive, available on iOS and Android phones and tablets.
A Proven Solution, at a Fraction of the Cost
Over a dozen defense contractors + C3PAOs have used PreVeil to achieve perfect 110 scores in DoD assessments, while saving an average of $75,000.
Kokosing, a large construction company, used PreVeil Drive to secure CUI in an enclave, reducing the cost and complexity of CMMC compliance. They achieved CMMC compliance with a perfect 110 score.
Guide to Reducing the Cost of ITAR Compliance
Designed for organizations pursuing ITAR compliance, this in-depth guide explains the “end-to-end encryption carveout” that allows for the sharing of unclassified technical data, then reveals how organizations can save up to $75,000 with PreVeil.